Revision [1610]

This is an old revision of SocialSoftwareFR made by VincentMayoux on 2008-12-05 12:01:58.


Documentation de Wikka

Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel relationnel ?

Un logiciel relationnel est un terme générique pour désigner des outils logiciels qui facilitent l'interaction et la collaboration. Un logiciel relationnel connecte intellectuellement des personnes entre elles et permet de partager et de faire évoluer des idées. Social software is not bound just by what features the tool provides, but also by social conventions and etiquette on how to use it appropriately. Such software includes email, Usenet, IRC, instant messaging, blogs, wikis, NNTP, folksonomy, and virtual online communities.

While email, IRC, and instant message applications are becoming increasingly common, there are other emerging tools like weblogs and wikis that are changing how people communicate, especially by allowing many-to-many interactions. In other words, the concept of social software isn't new. However, in recent times more sophisticated tools are emerging. Social software is now being used to support situtations that so far allowed one-to-many relations only.
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Logiciel relationnel".

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