Revision history for WikkaReleaseNotes1166

Revision [1982]

Last edited on 2009-06-15 01:52:23 by DarTar [archiving page]
>>===This is an archive page===
For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]].
==See also:==
>>==See also:==

Revision [1933]

Edited on 2009-02-26 10:06:24 by DarTar [link]
~- [[InstallingPlugins | How to use the plugins folder]]

Revision [1901]

Edited on 2009-02-14 21:41:15 by BrianKoontz [Updated release date]
''Released on Feb 14, 2009''
''Released on XXX XX, XXXX''

Revision [1896]

Edited on 2009-02-14 02:58:36 by DarTar [[m] wording]
[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]
~- New feed icon. Ticket: 150 ''(not included in RC1)''
[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Changelog]]
~- New button for RSS-Feeds. Ticket: 150 ''(not included in RC1)''

Revision [1895]

Edited on 2009-02-10 16:57:29 by NilsLindenberg [+#150]
[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Changelog]]
~- New button for RSS-Feeds. Ticket: 150 ''(not included in RC1)''
[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]

Revision [1893]

Edited on 2009-02-06 15:37:52 by DarTar [ticket 353]
~- Removed unnecessary JS dependencies in core actions, handlers and installer. Ticket: 353
~- Removed some JS dependencies in core actions and handlers. Ticket: 353

Revision [1892]

Edited on 2009-02-06 15:36:24 by DarTar [crediting apxrms]
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, Krzysztof Trybowski, bikoz, toringe, Eclipse, apxrms.
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, Krzysztof Trybowski, bikoz, toringe, Eclipse.

Revision [1891]

Edited on 2009-02-06 15:35:52 by DarTar [ticket 848]
~- Fixed bug that prevented file downloads in IE. Ticket: 848

Revision [1890]

Edited on 2009-02-06 15:33:52 by DarTar [ticket 850]
~- Pages that are not accessible to the current user are now filtered from the backlinks handler. Ticket: 851
~- Fixed issue that may result in incorrect display of page generation time. Ticket: 850.

Revision [1889]

Edited on 2009-02-06 15:29:38 by DarTar [ticket 853]
~- Added support for ##width## and ##height## parameters in [[AddingImages | image]] action. Ticket: 853

Revision [1772]

Edited on 2009-01-26 23:03:09 by BrianKoontz [Added to ack list]
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, Krzysztof Trybowski, bikoz, toringe, Eclipse.
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, Krzysztof Trybowski, bikoz, toringe.

Revision [1771]

Edited on 2009-01-19 05:56:34 by DarTar [reference to additional_stylesheets removed]
~- Added new library function, ##""AddCustomHeaders()""##, to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. Ticket: 804
~- Added new library function, ##""AddCustomHeaders()""##, to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. New [[ConfigurationOptions | config option]] (##additional_stylesheets##) currently supported. Ticket: 804

Revision [1750]

Edited on 2009-01-15 02:27:10 by DarTar [diff switch]
~- Fast switch between //full diff// and //simple diff// mode. Ticket: 844 ''(not included in RC1)''

Revision [1741]

Edited on 2009-01-14 11:09:34 by DarTar [link]
~- Support for multiple paths in config file to permit [[InstallingPlugins | directory overrides for plugins]] (actions, handlers, templates, formatters, and CSS files). Ticket: 805
~- Support for multiple paths in config file to permit directory overrides for actions, handlers, templates, formatters, and CSS files. Ticket: 805

Revision [1730]

Edited on 2009-01-14 10:19:26 by DarTar [see also box]
~-[[Installing1166 | Installation & upgrade notes for]]

Revision [1720]

Edited on 2009-01-14 07:28:00 by DarTar [xhtml source layout]
~- New logo. Ticket: 784 ''(not included in RC1)''
~- Improved XHTML source layout for readability. Ticket: 784 ''(not included in RC1)''
~- New logo Ticket: 784 ''(not included in RC1)''

Revision [1719]

Edited on 2009-01-14 07:24:42 by DarTar [new logo]
~- New logo Ticket: 784 ''(not included in RC1)''

Revision [1718]

Edited on 2009-01-14 07:13:52 by DarTar [CSS-driven link tails]
[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]
~- CSS-driven link tails (replace the hardcoded ##external_link_tail##). Ticket: 35 ''(not included in RC1)''
[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Changelog]]

Revision [1716]

Edited on 2009-01-14 05:29:02 by DarTar [[m] wording]
[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Changelog]]
~- Diff to output differences in raw wiki markup. Ticket: 770 ''(not included in RC1)''
[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]
~- Diff should output differences in raw wiki markup. Ticket: 770 ''(not included in RC1)''

Revision [1714]

Edited on 2009-01-12 04:21:42 by DarTar [[m] grouping]

No Differences

Revision [1713]

Edited on 2009-01-12 04:18:31 by DarTar [adding #841]
~- Added a courtesy link pointing to new page created by clone handler. Ticket: 832
~- Added link to the configuration settings documentation page from ##wikka.config.php##. Ticket: 841
~- Adds a courtesy link pointing to new page created by clone handler. Ticket: 832

Revision [1712]

Edited on 2009-01-12 04:17:10 by DarTar [adding #839]
[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]
~- Added meta generator tag. Ticket: 839
[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Changelog]]

Revision [1711]

Edited on 2009-01-12 03:58:52 by DarTar [[m] formatting]
[[WikkaReleaseNotes Wikka Changelog]]
~- ##meta_keyword## and ##meta_description## config entries now escaped to ensure XHTML validation. Ticket: 816
[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]
~- Meta_keyword and meta_description config entries now escaped to ensure XHTML validation. Ticket: 816

Revision [1709]

Edited on 2009-01-11 17:10:56 by DarTar [adding changes to RC1]
~- Fast switch between source view and rendered view for old page revisions. Ticket: 844 ''(not included in RC1)''
~- Diff should output differences in raw wiki markup. Ticket: 770 ''(not included in RC1)''
~- Semantically correct use of ##<ins>## and ##<del>## in the formatter and diff handler. Ticket: 274 ''(not included in RC1)''

Revision [1708]

Edited on 2009-01-11 14:31:49 by DarTar [format]
~- Removed generic references to ##$_REQUEST## global variable. Ticket: 312
~- Floats properly cleared when closing main ##<div>##. Ticket: 683
~- Removed generic references to $_REQUEST global variable. Ticket: 312
~- Floats properly cleared when closing main <div>. Ticket: 683

Revision [1707]

Edited on 2009-01-11 14:28:00 by DarTar [Misc sections for issues that are not really bugs]
~- Removed generic references to $_REQUEST global variable. Ticket: 312
~- Removed most references to $_REQUEST global variable. Ticket: 312

Revision [1706]

Edited on 2009-01-11 12:41:29 by BrianKoontz [Added a few tickets]
~- New antispam measure: Random tokens added to submitted forms to discourage scripted comment/page spam attacks. Ticket: 154
~- Normalized separators used in config file. Ticket: 842
~- Removed some JS dependencies in core actions and handlers. Ticket: 353
~- Support for multiple paths in config file to permit directory overrides for actions, handlers, templates, formatters, and CSS files. Ticket: 805

Revision [1700]

Edited on 2008-12-20 14:20:18 by DarTar [additional_stylesheet to be documented]
~- Added new library function, ##""AddCustomHeaders()""##, to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. New [[ConfigurationOptions | config option]] (##additional_stylesheets##) currently supported. Ticket: 804
~- Added new library function, ##""AddCustomHeaders()""##, to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. New config option (##additional_stylesheets##) currently supported. Ticket: 804

Revision [1698]

Edited on 2008-12-20 14:16:58 by DarTar [there are some minor new features]
==New features==
~- [[RevActionInfo | {{rev}}]] action: a simple action to display the current revision number of a page. Ticket: 813
~- [[ | Universal Edit Button]] support. Ticket: 779
~- Redirection on login. Users attempting to write-access a wiki page are now redirected to the page after logging in. Ticket: 245
~- A simple action to display the current revision number of a page. Ticket: 813
~- Non-logged-in users attempting to access a wiki page are now redirected to the page after logging in. Ticket: 245
~- Implemented [[ | universal edit button]]. Ticket: 779

Revision [1697]

Edited on 2008-12-20 00:00:05 by BrianKoontz [Minor formatting change]
~- Added new library function, ##""AddCustomHeaders()""##, to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. New config option (##additional_stylesheets##) currently supported. Ticket: 804
~- Added new library function, AddCustomHeaders(), to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. New config option ({{{additional_stylesheets}}}) currently supported. Ticket: 804

Revision [1696]

Edited on 2008-12-19 23:59:07 by BrianKoontz [Added items]
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, Krzysztof Trybowski, bikoz, toringe.
~- Restricted size of note field in editor. Ticket: 826
~- Full text search now has option to perform case-sensitive searches (non-case-sensitive searches are performed by default). Ticket: 821
~- Floats properly cleared when closing main <div>. Ticket: 683
~- Comment search filters now work correctly for registered users. Ticket: 810
~- Added new library function, AddCustomHeaders(), to facilitate customization of output based upon runtime config options. New config option ({{{additional_stylesheets}}}) currently supported. Ticket: 804
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, .

Revision [1695]

Edited on 2008-12-19 23:46:37 by BrianKoontz [Initial draft]
Thanks to doomedfox, Vincent Mayoux, martin_misuth, .
==Security fixes==
~- Removed most references to $_REQUEST global variable. Ticket: 312
~- Under some conditions, a user attempting to log out will discover he/she is not able to do so. Ticket: 800
~- Adds a courtesy link pointing to new page created by clone handler. Ticket: 832
~- A simple action to display the current revision number of a page. Ticket: 813
~- Prevent filename inheritance across multiple code blocks in grabcode handler. Ticket: 783
~- Meta_keyword and meta_description config entries now escaped to ensure XHTML validation. Ticket: 816
~- Fixed DB error generated during some page ACL operations. Ticket: 811
~- Non-logged-in users attempting to access a wiki page are now redirected to the page after logging in. Ticket: 245
~- Minor code cleanup. Ticket: 828
~- Implemented [[ | universal edit button]]. Ticket: 779
Thanks to xxx.
~-Fixed something. Ticket: 1

Revision [1471]

Edited on 2008-12-02 10:05:27 by DarTar [dummy content]
===== [[WhatsNew1166 | Wikka]] Release Notes =====
''Released on XXX XX, XXXX''
~-**[[WhatsNew1166 | What's new in]]**
Thanks to xxx.
~-Fixed something. Ticket: 1
===== [[WhatsNew1165 | Wikka]] Release Notes =====
''Released on June 24, 2008''
~-**[[WhatsNew1165 | What's new in]]**
Thanks to ajmh, Vincent Fretin, ""VokinLoksar"", ""BugMeNot"" for feedback, bug reports and patches.
~-Fixed wrong display of links in WantedPages with MySQL 5 (credits: Vincent Fretin). Ticket: 309.
~-Changed ##""{{include}}""## action to display more user-friendly message based on target page ACL. Ticket: 710
~-Added utilities and compatibility methods. Ticket: 721.
~-Version check was not working correctly with the Alternative PHP Cache installed (credits: ""VokinLoksar""). Ticket: 740
~-(PHP 5 compatibility) Fixed issue when instantiating ##Wakka## object (credits: ""VokinLoksar""). Ticket: 741
~-(PHP 5 compatibility) Fixed issue preventing the creation of tables when no prefix is specified (credits: ""VokinLoksar""). Ticket: 742
~-Referrers in were not correctly logged. Ticket: 746
~-Minor cleanup of ##""{{adminusers}}""## action. Ticket: 753
~-Preventing comments on non-existing pages. Ticket: 747
~-Correcting path handling in cookies. Ticket: 748, 767, 768
~-Simplified installer: removing GeSHi configuration. Ticket: 751
~-Fixing broken revision links from revision feed. Ticket: 759
~-Fixing broken help link in WikkaEdit. Ticket: 760
~-Replacing invalid character in default suffix for cookie. Ticket: 761
~-XHTML validation in user registration module. Ticket: 763 (credits: ""BugMeNot"")
~-Fixed incorrect description of markup for headings in FormattingRules. Ticket: 758
~-Corrected typo in HighScores action. Ticket: 720

Revision [1464]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-12-02 09:49:33 by DarTar [dummy content]
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