Revision history for WikkaFeatures1165FR

Revision [1686]

Last edited on 2008-12-07 08:19:06 by VincentMayoux [links to FR]
~- A fast, fully redesigned **editor toolbar** (**[[WikkaEditFR | WikkaEdit]]**) with more Wikka-specific functionality and improved cross-browser compatibility. --- {{image alt="WikkaEdit screenshot" title="WikkaEdit: a new, faster and fuly redesigned editor toolbar" url="images/features/wikkaedit.png" link="WikkaEdit"}}
~- A fast, fully redesigned **editor toolbar** (**WikkaEdit**) with more Wikka-specific functionality and improved cross-browser compatibility. --- {{image alt="WikkaEdit screenshot" title="WikkaEdit: a new, faster and fuly redesigned editor toolbar" url="images/features/wikkaedit.png" link="WikkaEdit"}}

Revision [1685]

Edited on 2008-12-07 08:18:22 by VincentMayoux [links to FR]
~- Easily customizable layout ([[WikkaSkinsFR | CSS 2.0]]) with CSS-driven print support.
~- Human- and Search-engine-friendly [[SmartTitlesInfoFR | page titles]].
~- A large selection of [[UsingActionsFR | plugins]] and [[ | user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfoFR | calendar]], [[FeedbackActionFR | feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfoFR | Google search form]] among others.
~-Page [[PageOwnershipFR]] | and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfoFR access control]].
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearchFR for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
~-[[LastEditActionInfoFR | Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfoFR | system information]].
~- [[HighScoresActionInfoFR | User statistics]] on edits, comments and page creation --- {{image alt="HighScores screenshot" title="HighScores action" url="images/features/highscores.png" link="HighScoresActionInfo"}}
~~- [[PageHistoryInfoFR | Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChangesFR | global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfoFR | Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChangesFR | Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented | recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments | recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndexFR | Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfoFR | pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfoFR | missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdminFR | Administration tools]]===
~- [[LastUsersActionInfoFR | List of recently registered users]].
~- Easily customizable layout ([[WikkaSkins | CSS 2.0]]) with CSS-driven print support.
~- Human- and Search-engine-friendly [[SmartTitlesInfo | page titles]].
~- A large selection of [[UsingActionsFR | plugins]] and [[ | user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo | calendar]], [[FeedbackActionFR | feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfoFR | Google search form]] among others.
~-Page [[PageOwnership]] | and fine-grained page-level [[ACLInfo access control]].
~- Advanced text searching. See TextSearch for examples (some of the examples will only work if MySQL 4.X is in use).
~-[[LastEditActionInfo | Last edit information]].
~- Detailed [[SysInfo | system information]].
~- [[HighScoresActionInfo | User statistics]] on edits, comments and page creation --- {{image alt="HighScores screenshot" title="HighScores action" url="images/features/highscores.png" link="HighScoresActionInfo"}}
~~- [[PageHistoryInfo | Page history]] easily viewed at a glance.
~~- RSS feeds for [[RecentChanges | global changes]] and for page revisions.
~~- [[RetrieveInfo | Easy retrieval/reverting of previous revisions]]
~~- [[RecentChanges | Recently changed pages]], [[RecentlyCommented | recently commented pages]] and [[RecentComments | recent comments]].
~- [[PageIndex | Alphabetic page index]].
~- Tools to track [[OrphanedPagesActionInfo | pages without links]] and [[WantedPagesActionInfo | missing pages]].
===[[WikkaAdmin | Administration tools]]===
~- [[LastUsersActionInfo | List of recently registered users]].

Revision [1684]

Edited on 2008-12-07 08:14:26 by VincentMayoux [links to FR]
~- **Public visé** :
~~-Equipes de développement (//documentation de logiciel//);
~- Conforme au recommandations du W3C pour le XHTML 1.0.
~- Global and page-level RSS feeds ([[RssInfoFR | RSS 0.92/2.0]]) with [[RSSAutoDiscovery | autodiscovery support]].
~- 100% web-based [[WikkaInstallationFR | installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes | upgrader]].
~- Optional rewrite rules [[ModRewriteFR | support]].
~- [[UsingHTMLFR | SafeHTML]] function to filter potentially dangerous content.
~~-global [[ACLInfoFR | ACL]].
~~-page-level [[ACLInfoFR | ACL]].
~- Advanced [[ReferrersInfoFR | referrer management]] with blacklist support.
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfoFR | editing]].
~- A large selection of [[FormattingRulesFR | wiki markup]] options, with support for
~- [[UsingHTMLFR | HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinksFR | Links]] ===
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWikiFR | interwiki linking]].
~- [[FilesActionInfoFR | File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfoFR | Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImagesFR | Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMindFR | mindmaps]].
~- A large selection of [[UsingActionsFR | plugins]] and [[ | user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo | calendar]], [[FeedbackActionFR | feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfoFR | Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfoFR | RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery | RSS Auto Discovery]].
~- [[SyntaxHighlighterFR | Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~- [[WikiCategoryFR | Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfoFR | Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeActionFR | embedded]] in each other.
~- Modules for [[UserAdministrationFR | user-]] and [[PageAdministrationFR | page administration]]. --- {{image alt="AdminPages screenshot" title="Page administration module" url="images/features/pageadmin.png" link="PageAdministration"}}
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptionsFR | system configuration settings]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfoFR | ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfoFR | deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfoFR | Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
CategoryFR - TranslationPartialFR
~- Public visé :
~~-Development teams (//software documentation//);
~- W3C compliant XHTML 1.0 transitional.
~- Global and page-level RSS feeds ([[RssInfo | RSS 0.92/2.0]]) with [[RSSAutoDiscovery | autodiscovery support]].
~- 100% web-based [[WikkaInstallation | installer]]/[[UpgradeNotes | upgrader]].
~- Optional rewrite rules [[ModRewrite | support]].
~- [[UsingHTML | SafeHTML]] function to filter potentially dangerous content.
~~-global [[ACLInfo | ACL]].
~~-page-level [[ACLInfo | ACL]].
~- Advanced [[ReferrersInfo | referrer management]] with blacklist support.
~- Doubleclick quick [[EditPageInfo | editing]].
~- A large selection of [[FormattingRules | wiki markup]] options, with support for
~- [[UsingHTML | HTML can be embedded in pages]] in a safe manner.
=== [[AddingLinks | Links]] ===
~- Several shortcuts for [[InterWiki | interwiki linking]].
~- [[FilesActionInfo | File uploading/downloading]].
~- [[FlashActionInfo | Inline Flash support]].
~- [[AddingImages | Images]] (accessibility enforced through the use of the image action).
~- Native support for [[FreeMind | mindmaps]].
~- A large selection of [[UsingActions | plugins]] and [[ | user contributions]], including: [[CalendarActionInfo | calendar]], [[FeedbackAction | feedback form]], [[GoogleFormActionInfo | Google search form]] among others.
~- [[RssInfo | RSS feed inclusion]] and [[RSSAutoDiscovery | RSS Auto Discovery]].
~- [[SyntaxHighlighter | Advanced code highlighting]] (using GeSHi):
~- [[WikiCategory | Page categories]].
~- [[CloneHandlerInfo | Page cloning utility]].
~- Pages can be safely [[IncludeAction | embedded]] in each other.
~- Modules for [[UserAdministration | user-]] and [[PageAdministration | page administration]]. --- {{image alt="AdminPages screenshot" title="Page administration module" url="images/features/pageadmin.png" link="PageAdministration"}}
~- A large number of [[ConfigurationOptions | system configuration settings]].
~- Admin users and advanced [[ACLInfo | ACL support]] for managing user privileges at individual page-level (read/write/comment).
~- Page can be [[PageDeletionInfo | deleted]] by admins or page owner.
~- [[NoCommentsActionInfo | Comments can be toggled off on individual pages]].
CategoryFR TranslationPartialFR

Revision [1518]

Edited on 2008-12-03 09:14:44 by VincentMayoux [starting translation]
==== Fonctionnalités de WikkaWiki ====
>>==Voir aussi :==
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotesFR | Notes sur les mises à jour]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfoFR | Scripts de tierces parties]]
~-[[ | Extensions fournies par des utilisateurs]]
~-Langage de programmation : [[PhpFR | PHP]].
~- Stockage: [[MySQLFR | MySQL]].
~-Système d'exploitation : indépendant de la plateforme.
~- License: [[LicenseInfoFR | GPL]].
~- Statut de développement : mûr/production.
~- Public visé :
~~-Utilisateurs individuels (//PIM/website backend//);
==== WikkaWiki Features ====
>>==See also:==
~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Release notes]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo | Third-party bundled software]]
~-[[ | User-contributed extensions]]
~-Programming language: [[PHP]].
~- | Storage: [[MySQL]].
~-Operating system: platform-independent.
~- License: [[LicenseInfo | GPL]].
~- Development status: mature/production.
~- Intended audience:
~~-Individual users (//PIM/website backend//);

Revision [1517]

Edited on 2008-12-03 09:10:05 by VincentMayoux [starting translation]
[[WikkaDocumentationFR | Documentation de Wikka]]
CategoryFR TranslationPartialFR

Revision [1516]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-12-03 09:09:22 by VincentMayoux [starting translation]
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