Revision history for FreeMind
~-[[ | Test page for FreeMind support]]
See: [[ | Inline Map Example]].
See [[ | Embedded Map Example]].
Not directly related to Wikka, but visit ""FreeMind"" [[ | keyboard shortcuts]] for a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when editing maps.
FreeMind integration has become one of the most appreciated features of Wikka by adepts of [[MindMapping | mindmapping techniques]] (see [[ | Independent Wikka Reviews]]).
See: [[ | Inline Map Example]].
See [[ | Embedded Map Example]].
Not directly related to Wikka, but visit ""FreeMind"" [[ | keyboard shortcuts]] for a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when editing maps.
FreeMind integration has become one of the most appreciated features of Wikka by adepts of [[MindMapping | mindmapping techniques]] (see [[ | Independent Wikka Reviews]]).
See: [[ | Inline Map Example]].
See [[ | Embedded Map Example]].
Not directly related to Wikka, but visit ""FreeMind"" [[ | keyboard shortcuts]] for a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when editing maps.
FreeMind integration has become one of the most appreciated features of Wikka by adepts of [[MindMapping | mindmapping techniques]] (see [[ | Independent Wikka Reviews]]).
No Differences
~-[[ | Test page for FreeMind support]]
~-""<a href="">Linking to a mindmap</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
See: [[ | Inline Map Example]].
~-""<a href="">Embedding a mindmap</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
See [[ | Embedded Map Example]].
Not directly related to Wikka, but visit ""FreeMind"" [[ | keyboard shortcuts]] for a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when editing maps.
FreeMind integration has become one of the most appreciated features of Wikka by adepts of [[MindMapping | mindmapping techniques]] (see [[ | Independent Wikka Reviews]]).
CategoryEN CategoryReference CategoryFreeMind
~-""<a href="">Linking to a mindmap</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
See: [[ | Inline Map Example]].
~-""<a href="">Embedding a mindmap</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
See [[ | Embedded Map Example]].
Not directly related to Wikka, but visit ""FreeMind"" [[ | keyboard shortcuts]] for a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when editing maps.
FreeMind integration has become one of the most appreciated features of Wikka by adepts of [[MindMapping | mindmapping techniques]] (see [[ | Independent Wikka Reviews]]).
CategoryEN CategoryReference CategoryFreeMind
~-""<a href="">Linking to a mindmap</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
See: [[MindMapRecentChanges | Inline Map Example]].
~-""<a href="">Embedding a mindmap</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
See [[EmbeddedMapExample | Embedded Map Example]].
Not directly related to Wikka, but visit FreeMindKeyboardShortcuts for a list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when editing maps.
FreeMind integration has become one of the most appreciated features of Wikka by adepts of [[MindMapping | mindmapping techniques]] (see IndependentWikkaReviews).
CategoryDocumentation CategoryReference CategoryFreeMind