Revision history for FlexibleWikka

Revision [2116]

Last edited on 2009-09-03 04:07:44 by DarTar [see also]
~-[[WikkaThemes | Installing themes]] {{since version="1.2" display="inline"}}
~-[[InstallingPlugins | Installing plugins]]
~-[[ | Development roadmap]]
~-[[Wikka:WikkaLocalization | Localization projects]]

Revision [1996]

Edited on 2009-07-25 10:52:39 by BrianKoontz [added new example]
Relevant Actions:
~- [[Wikka:BookmarkManager | BookmarkManager]] is an example of a WikkaWiki [[ActionInfo | action]] that provides the features of a fully functional bookmark management application using authentication and session tracking functionality provided by WikkaWiki.
~- [[ | WikkaGopher]] is an example of a completely embedded client.
Relevant Actions: [[Wikka:BookmarkManager | BookmarkManager]] is an example of a WikkaWiki [[ActionInfo | action]] that provides the features of a fully functional bookmark management application using authentication and session tracking functionality provided by WikkaWiki.

Revision [1854]

Edited on 2009-01-31 02:04:48 by DarTar [Removed carriage return]

No Differences

Revision [1300]

Edited on 2008-11-01 23:23:06 by DarTar [Removed HomePage link]
~-[[ | Development roadmap]]
~-[[ Development roadmap]]

Revision [856]

Edited on 2008-02-21 20:33:48 by DarTar [homepage link]
~-[[ Development roadmap]]
[[WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation]]
~-[[ | Development roadmap]]

Revision [853]

Edited on 2008-02-21 20:29:49 by DarTar [fixing broken links]

Revision [852]

Edited on 2008-02-21 20:29:33 by DarTar [fixing broken links]
ACL settings: r:+ / w:+ /c:+ or r:""UserGroup"" / w:""UserGroup"" / c:+
Relevant Actions: [[Wikka:BookmarkManager | BookmarkManager]] is an example of a WikkaWiki [[ActionInfo | action]] that provides the features of a fully functional bookmark management application using authentication and session tracking functionality provided by WikkaWiki.
ACL settings: r:+ / w:+ /c:+ or r:UserGroup / w: UserGroup / c:+
Relevant Actions: BookmarkManager is an example of a WikkaWiki [[ActionInfo | action]] that provides the features of a fully functional bookmark management application using authentication and session tracking functionality provided by WikkaWiki.

Revision [851]

Edited on 2008-02-21 20:28:32 by DarTar [fixing broken links]
~-[[Wikka:CodeContributions | User-contributed extensions]]
~-[[Wikka:WikkaIntegration | Integration projects]]
~-[[Wikka:WikkaLocalization | Localization projects]]
>> WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo | lightweight]] [[WikiEngine | wiki engine]] that can be easily [[ExtensibleInfo | extended]] or adapted to many different uses. By setting the appropriate [[ACLInfo | access privileges]] and using appropriate [[UsingActions | actions]], you can turn WikkaWiki into different applications, tailored to your needs. You can also take a look at [[Wikka:CodeContributions | user-contributed code]] to extend Wikka with new functionalities.
~-[[CodeContributions | User-contributed extensions]]
~-[[WikkaIntegration | Integration projects]]
~-[[WikkaLocalization | Localization projects]]
>> WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo | lightweight]] [[WikiEngine | wiki engine]] that can be easily [[ExtensibleInfo | extended]] or adapted to many different uses. By setting the appropriate [[ACLInfo | access privileges]] and using appropriate [[UsingActions | actions]], you can turn WikkaWiki into different applications, tailored to your needs. You can also take a look at [[CodeContributions | user-contributed code]] to extend Wikka with new functionalities.

Revision [850]

Edited on 2008-02-21 20:28:01 by DarTar [minor]
[[WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation]]
=====Wikka: A flexible engine for customized applications =====
>>==See also:==
~-[[ | Development roadmap]]
===Wikka as an //invisible backend// for a personal website===
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Wikka: A flexible engine for adaptive applications =====
>>**See also:**
~-[[UnderDevelopment | Features under development]]
===Wikka as a //backend//===

Revision [201]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-09-09 19:46:56 by BrianKoontz [minor]
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