Revision history for DocumentationDiscussion
- Pages TextFormatting and FormattingRules. I can't see any essential difference between them. I suggest to ""{{include}}"" one into the other. --VincMay
- Pages TextFormatting and FormattingRules. I don't see any difference between them. I suggest to ""{{include}}"" one into the other. --VincMay
No Differences
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Revision [708]
Edited on 2008-02-19 10:19:00 by NilsLindenberg [old discussion removed, see old revisions for it]Additions:
//start discussion here or add a comment//
~&You can add usernames to the admin-list, if you don't want to share the admin-account. Specify multiple wiki names separated by commas e.g: JsnX, HendrikMans, CoolJoeAdmin in the wikka.config.php in "admin-users" (see ConfigurationOptions). Admins can see, edit and delete any page, even if they are set to private.
Searching for "Admin Features" yeilds over 100 entries. There's nothing in CategoryDocumentation detailing admin features, and the page WikkaFeatures mentions several admin features that have neither further explanation nor links.
~&Will be changed, but not today :)
On top of all this, searching ACL reveals **one page** that just mentions ACL more in passing. The page with Category instructions is also a little under informed. You'd think that after following 2 step instructions that it'd work.
~&I think you mean ACLInfo and WikiCategory? If you have questions about a documentation-page, please leave a comment about that on the page. We can only make it better if we know what is not understandable. Remember that this is a wiki :)
This page is another example. I started reading it the other night looking for something specific but by the time i finished reading it, i had about 6 different things i felt like commenting on. It's so long tho that i felt my comments would be missed so i didn't bother. Rather than piled on one after the other, after a certain age, each of these subjects should be broken off to their own page in a CategorySuggestionBox and listed here. (I mean this is a wiki and space isn't necessarily at a premium) This would make it easier to find and contribute to a specific topic. If a search produces this page as a result, the initial impression is that the search was really messed up hitting "suggestionbox" with my search terms.
~&The need to refactor is to be expected. Why not refactor what you think needs to be refactored? I'm sure no one will object (after all, collaboration is one of the desirable outcomes of a wiki to begin with) for comments, my technique of "reading" this wiki is to start with Changes and Comments. [[ | Here]] is some wiki philosophy that might be of interest (and might give you guidance on some of the questions you have). --BrianKoontz
Anyway... the suggestion? Organizing documentation should be THE priority. This site looks quite nice. It's a shining example of how wikka works when beat into perfect shape. But the site I installed looked and acted nothing like this...
~&Yes, we can and should organize the documentation better (and some other parts of this wiki). We will move it to a new subdomain (see DocumentationLanguageLinking) and after that we can bring it in better shape. But don't forget that this is a wiki and you have the right to participate :) --NilsLindenberg
~~&Does this mean that if I go ahead and make a "Category Suggestion Box" and split this pages into seperate doco's that it won't step on people's toes? I think this would be good and don't mind doing that bit of work - but don't want to annoy too many people [espec. seeing as I am quite the newbie here...] -- KiltanneN
~~~&I say; simply start and wait for the reactions. Thats how I do it, most of the time ;) --NilsLindenberg
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CategoryEN - CategoryReview
CategoryDocumentation - CategoryEN - CategoryReview