Default layout

This feature is available since:
WikkaWiki 1.2


The default theme introduced in Wikka 1.2 is based on the following layout.

  1. <!-- BEGIN DOC OPEN -->
  2. <!DOCTYPE....>
  3. <!-- END DOC OPEN -->
  4. <!-- BEGIN HEAD-->
  5.     <!-- head elements here -->
  6. </head>
  7. <!-- END HEAD -->
  8. <!-- BEGIN BODY -->
  9. <body>
  10. <!-- BEGIN PAGE WRAPPER -->
  11.     <div id="page"> <!--wraps the whole content-->
  12. <!-- BEGIN PAGE HEADER -->
  13.         <div id="header"> <!--includes page header elements-->
  14.             <h2>PageTitle</h2>
  15.             <ul id="main_menu"> <!-- See WikkaMenus -->
  16.                 <li>menu item</li>
  17.                 ...
  18.                 <li>menu item</li>
  19.             </ul>
  20.         </div><!-- end div "header" -->
  21. <!-- END PAGE HEADER -->
  22. <!-- BEGIN PAGE CONTENT -->    
  23.         <div id="content"> <!--contains the wiki page body-->
  24.         The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  25.         The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  26.         The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  27.         The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  28.         The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  29.         </div><!-- end div "content" -->
  30. <!-- END PAGE CONTENT -->
  31. <!-- BEGIN COMMENT BLOCK -->
  32.         <div id="comments"> <!--wrapper for the comments block-->
  33.             <div id="commentheader">
  34.             </div>
  35.             <div id="commentlist">
  36.                 <div class="comment">
  37.                 </div>
  38.                 <div class="comment">
  39.                 </div>
  40.                 ...
  41.             </div><!-- end div "commentlist" -->
  42.             <div id="commentform">
  43.             </div><!-- end div "commentform" -->
  44.         </div><!-- end div "comments" -->
  45. <!-- END COMMENT BLOCK -->
  46. <!-- BEGIN PAGE FOOTER -->
  47.         <div id="footer"> <!--includes page footer elements-->
  48.             <ul id="options_menu"> <!-- See WikkaMenus -->
  49.                 <li>menu item</li>
  50.                 ...
  51.                 <li>menu item</li>
  52.             </ul>
  53.         </div><!-- end div "footer" -->
  54. <!-- END PAGE FOOTER -->
  55. <!-- BEGIN SYSTEM INFO -->
  56.         <div id="smallprint">
  57.         </div>
  58. <!-- END SYSTEM INFO -->
  59.     </div><!-- end div "page" -->
  60. <!-- END PAGE WRAPPER -->
  61. </body>
  62. <!-- END BODY -->
  63. <!-- BEGIN DOC CLOSE -->
  64. </html>
  65. <!-- END DOC CLOSE -->

Style changes between 1.1.X and 1.2.X

The main layout differences from 1.1.X are the following:
div#pagenew wrapper introduced in 1.2
div.headerdiv#headerreplaced class with id
ul#main_menu new style hook introduced in 1.2
div.contentdiv#contentreplaced class with id
div.footerdiv#footerreplaced class with id
ul#options_menu new style hook introduced in 1.2
div#commentsnew wrapper introduced in 1.2
div.commentheaderdiv#commentheaderreplaced class with id
div.commentformdiv#commentformreplaced class with id
div.smallprintdiv#smallprintreplaced class with id

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