The structure of the MySQL-Tables of Wikka

The Wikka installer creates some tables necessary for storing Wikka data.

Note that they have the prefix you chose in the install process. For example: if you chose prefix: MyWikka_ (stored in wikka.config.php), $this->config["table_prefix"]."pages" will result in a MySQL table named MyWikka_pages.

All of the tables have the type MyISAM.

The tables presented below use the default wikka_ prefix:


stores different versions of Wikka pages

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
idunsigned int10noauto_incrementthe unique id for a page version
tagvarchar75no' 'the name of the page
timedatetimeno'0000-00-00 00:00:00'date and time of this version
bodymediumtextnothe content of the page
ownervarchar75no' 'the user which owns this version of the page
uservarchar75no' 'author of this version of the page
latestenum('Y','N')no'N'indicates if this version of the page is the latest (Y or N)
notevarchar100no' 'the note the editor can leave on a edit
handlervarchar30no'page'actually there are no other handlers than page


stores the rights for reading/writing/commenting each page if those rights are different from the defaults defined in the configuration file

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
page_tagvarchar75no' 'name of the page
read_acltextnothe access-list for reading a page
write_acltextnothe same for writing
comment_acltextno and for setting comments

stores links between Wikka pages

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
from_tagvarchar75no' 'start-page of the link
to_tagvarchar75no' 'target-page for the link


stores URLs of sites referring to Wikka-pages from external domains

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
page_tagvarchar75no' 'tag of the referred Wikka page
referrervarchar150no' 'URL of the referrer
timedatetimeno'0000-00-00 00:00:00'date and time of the last hit


stores domains blacklisted from the referrer pages

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
spammervarchar150no' 'blacklisted domain


stores registered users settings

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
namevarchar75no' 'the name of the user
passwordvarchar32no' 'the md5 encrypt of the password
emailvarchar50no' 'the email-address of the user
revisioncountunsigned int10no20how many revisions of a page are shown (see PageHistoryInfo)
changescountunsigned int10no50 how many entries are shown at Recentchanges
doubleclickeditenum('Y','N')no'Y'double-click edit or not
signuptimedatetimeno'0000-00-00 00:00:00'date and time of the registration
show_commentsenum('Y','N')no'Y'show comments as default or not
current user status


stores comments to Wikka pages

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
idunsigned int10noauto_incrementthe unique id for a comment
page_tagvarchar75no' 'name of the page to which the comment belongs
timedatetimeno'0000-00-00 00:00:00'date and time of the comment
commenttextnothe text of the comment
uservarchar75no' 'the author of the comment


tracks user sessions

Column nameTypeLengthNullDefaultDescription
sessionidchar32noid of session
useridvarchar75nouser profile
session_startdatetimenoWhen this session has started

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