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=====The structure of the MySQL-Tables of Wikka=====

>>See also:
~-[[ | WikkaPhysicalDataModel]]
~-[[ | WikkaLogicalDataModel]]
>>The Wikka installer creates some tables necessary for storing Wikka data.

Note that they have the prefix you chose in the install process. For example: if you chose prefix: ##""MyWikka_""## (stored in ##[[ConfigurationOptions | wikka.config.php]]##), ##$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages"## will result in a MySQL table named ##""MyWikka""_pages##.

All of the tables have the type [[ | MyISAM]].

The tables presented below use the default ##wikka_## prefix:

//stores different versions of Wikka pages//
~- a version is identified by a unique ##id##,
~- a page is identified by a ##tag##,
~- the last version of a page is marked by a ##Y## in the ##latest## field

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||id||unsigned int||10||no||auto_increment||the unique id for a page version||
||tag||varchar||75||no||' '||the name of the page||
||time||datetime||||no||'0000-00-00 00:00:00'||date and time of this version||
||body||mediumtext||||no||||the content of the page||
||owner||varchar||75||no||' '||the user which owns this version of the page||
||user||varchar||75||no||' '||author of this version of the page||
||latest||enum('Y','N')||||no||'N'||indicates if this version of the page is the latest (Y or N)||
|| note||varchar||100||no||' '||the note the editor can leave on a edit||
||handler||varchar||30||no||'page'||actually there are no other handlers than page||

//stores the rights for reading/writing/commenting each page **if** those rights are different from the defaults defined in the [[ConfigurationOptions | configuration file]]//

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||page_tag||varchar||75||no||' '||name of the page||
||read_acl||text||||no||||the access-list for reading a page||
||write_acl||text||||no||||the same for writing||
||comment_acl||text||||no|||| and for setting comments||

//stores links between Wikka pages//

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||from_tag||varchar||75||no||' '||start-page of the link||
||to_tag||varchar||75||no||' '||target-page for the link||

//stores URLs of sites referring to Wikka-pages from external domains//

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||page_tag||varchar||75||no||' '||tag of the referred Wikka page||
||referrer||varchar||150||no||' '||URL of the referrer||
||time||datetime||||no||'0000-00-00 00:00:00'||date and time of the last hit||

//stores domains blacklisted from the [[ReferrersInfo | referrer pages]]//

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||spammer||varchar||150||no||' '||blacklisted domain||

//stores [[RegisterInfo | registered]] users settings//

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||name||varchar||75||no||' '||the name of the user||
||password||varchar||32||no||' '||the md5 encrypt of the password||
||email||varchar||50||no||' '||the email-address of the user||
||revisioncount||unsigned int||10||no||20||how many revisions of a page are shown (see PageHistoryInfo)||
||changescount||unsigned int||10||no||50|| how many entries are shown at Recentchanges||
||doubleclickedit||enum('Y','N')||||no||'Y'||double-click edit or not||
||signuptime||datetime||||no||'0000-00-00 00:00:00'||date and time of the registration||
||show_comments||enum('Y','N')||||no||'Y'||show comments as default or not||
||status||enum('invited','signed-up','pending',---'active','suspended','banned','deleted')||||yes||||{{since version="" display="inline"}} current user status||

//stores comments to Wikka pages//

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||id||unsigned int||10||no||auto_increment||the unique id for a comment||
||page_tag||varchar||75||no||' '||name of the page to which the comment belongs||
||time||datetime||||no||'0000-00-00 00:00:00'||date and time of the comment||
||comment||text||||no||||the text of the comment||
||user||varchar||75||no||' '||the author of the comment||

//tracks user sessions// {{since version="" display="inline"}}

|=|Column name|=|Type|=|Length|=|Null|=|Default|=|Description||
||sessionid||char||32||no||||id of session||
||userid||varchar||75||no||||user profile||
||session_start||datetime||||no||||When this session has started||

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