Wiki source for WikkaReleaseNotes1167

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[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]]
===== [[WhatsNew1166 | Wikka]] Release Notes =====
''Released on Jun 15, 2009''

>>===This is an archive page===
For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]].

==See also:==
~-**[[WhatsNew1167 | What's new in]]**
~-[[Installing1167 | Installation & upgrade notes for]]
~- [[InstallingPlugins | How to use the plugins folder]]
Thanks to Ian Andolina, Sven Krewitt (Secunia), fishy.

==Security fixes==
~- Added random tokens (form IDs) to form submissions to mitigate CSRF attacks. Ticket: 154
~- Added validation checks for GET params on admin pages to mitigate XSS attacks. Ticket: 879

~- Shortened default timeout when Wikka server not reachable for version checks; produce a more meaningful error message. Ticket: 884

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