[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]] ---- ===== [[WhatsNew1161 | Wikka]] Release Notes ===== ''Released on December 23, 2005'' >>===This is an archive page=== For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]]. ==See also:== ~-**[[WhatsNew1161 | What's new in]]** ~-[[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/roadmap | Wikka development roadmap]] >>::c:: This release addresses a vulnerability issue. Thanks to DotMG for providing the security patch. **Bug fix:** ~- Fixed a XSS security bug in the search actions. ~~- Files modified: --- ##actions/textsearch.php##, ##actions/textsearchexpanded.php ## **Misc:** ~- Changed default write ACL to '+'. ~~- File modified: ##wikka.php## ~- Shorter and improved code for expanded search. ~~-File modified: ##actions/textsearchexpanded.php## ---- CategoryEN