[[WikkaReleaseNotes | Wikka Changelog]] ---- ===== Wikka Release Notes ===== ''Released on September 27 2004'' >>===This is an archive page=== For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]]. ==See also:== ~-[[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/roadmap | Wikka development roadmap]] >>::c:: ==Feature addition:== - PageIndex action modified to show an alphabetical header that allows quick browsing of pages that start with a certain letter. See Wikka:Mod041fPageIndexByLetter for more info. ==Misc:== - Small edit to Wikka:Mod040fSmartPageTitles. Page titles will now be made from headers that are 3 or above. Previously it was 2 or above. This is to prevent the equality operator in code from being seen as a title. - Added a GPL header at the top of the main Wikka file, and included a copy of the GPL in the docs directory. ---- CategoryEN