Revision history for WikkaFeatures1164

Revision [2092]

Last edited on 2009-09-02 10:18:13 by DarTar [archiving page]
>>===This is an archive page===
For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]].
==See also:==
>>==See also:==

Revision [1866]

Edited on 2009-01-31 02:04:48 by DarTar [Removed carriage return]

No Differences

Revision [1317]

Edited on 2008-11-01 23:23:06 by DarTar [Removed HomePage link]

Revision [1049]

Edited on 2008-03-21 04:10:05 by DarTar [diff]
===Revision control tools===
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences. --- {{image alt="Diff screenshot" title="Diff handler" url="images/features/numberedrevisions.png"}}
===Page management tools===
~~- Full comparison of page revisions (between any two versions) with highlighting of differences.

Revision [1048]

Edited on 2008-03-21 04:08:08 by DarTar [HighScores action]
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users. --- {{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}
~- [[HighScoresActionInfo | User statistics]] on edits, comments and page creation --- {{image alt="HighScores screenshot" title="HighScores action" url="images/features/highscores.png" link="HighScoresActionInfo"}}
~- Tools for displaying statistics on pages and users.
~{{image alt="System information screenshot" title="System information" url="images/features/sysinfo.jpg"}}

Revision [1029]

Edited on 2008-03-20 09:51:17 by DarTar [copying from WhatsNew - please help adding missing features]
~- A fast, fully redesigned **editor toolbar** (**WikkaEdit**) with more Wikka-specific functionality and improved cross-browser compatibility. --- {{image alt="WikkaEdit screenshot" title="WikkaEdit: a new, faster and fuly redesigned editor toolbar" url="images/features/wikkaedit.png" link="WikkaEdit"}}
~~- support for several languages; --- {{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}}
~~- easily customizable output; --- {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- on-the-fly code block downloading. --- {{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- Modules for [[UserAdministration | user-]] and [[PageAdministration | page administration]]. --- {{image alt="AdminPages screenshot" title="Page administration module" url="images/features/pageadmin.png" link="PageAdministration"}}
~- Mass user deletion --- {{image alt="Mass User Deletion screenshot" title="Mass User Deletion screen" url="images/features/massuserdeletion.png" link="UserAdministration"}}
~- Mass page reversion --- {{image alt="Mass Revert handler screenshot" title="Mass reversion handler" url="images/features/massrevert.png" link="UserAdministration"}}
~- [[WikiEdit | GUI page editor]].
~{{image alt="Gui Page editor" title="GUI page editor" url="images/features/wikiedit.jpg"}}
~{{image alt="multiple language support list" title="multiple language support" url="images/features/geshi.jpg"}} {{image alt="Code highlighting sample" title="GeSHi support" url="images/features/code_highlighting.jpg" link="SyntaxHighlighter"}}
~~- support for several languages;
~~- easily customizable output;
~- On-the-fly code block downloading.
~{{image alt="Grabcode button screenshot" title="Grabcode button support" url="images/features/grab.jpg"}}
~- Modules for [[UserAdministration | user-]] and [[PageAdministration | page administration]].

Revision [1028]

Edited on 2008-03-20 09:41:45 by DarTar [layout]
==== WikkaWiki Features ====
~- Modules for [[UserAdministration | user-]] and [[PageAdministration | page administration]].
==== Wikka Features ====
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew1164 |]]##**.
~- Modules for [[UserAdminisitration | user-]] and [[PageAdministration | page administration]].

Revision [1027]

Edited on 2008-03-20 09:40:00 by DarTar [we should integrate this from WhatsNew1164]
~- Modules for [[UserAdminisitration | user-]] and [[PageAdministration | page administration]].
===General information===

Revision [1026]

Edited on 2008-03-20 09:37:57 by DarTar [stub]
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew1164 |]]##**.
>>The following is a list of features available in Wikka as of version **##[[WhatsNew |]]##**.

Revision [1025]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-03-20 09:37:22 by DarTar [stub]
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