Revision history for WikkaConfigActionInfo
>>==See also==
~-The Wikka [[ConfigurationOptions | config file]]
>>This is the documentation page for the ##""{{wikkaconfig}}""## action.
~-The Wikka [[ConfigurationOptions | config file]]
>>This is the documentation page for the ##""{{wikkaconfig}}""## action.
=====""WikkaConfig"" Action Documentation=====
=====Wikkaconfig Action Documentation=====
This is the documentation page for the ##""{{wikkaconfig}}""## action.
This admin-only action (currently accessible via the SysInfo page) generates a useful overview of the options stored in the [[ConfigurationOptions | Wikka configuration file]]. Sensitive information (DB connection settings) is stripped from the output of the action for security reasons.
This is the documentation page for the ##""{{wikkaconfig}}""## action.
This admin-only action (currently accessible via the SysInfo page) generates a useful overview of the options stored in the [[ConfigurationOptions | Wikka configuration file]]. Sensitive information (DB connection settings) is stripped from the output of the action for security reasons.
This is the documentation page for the ##""wikkaconfig""## action.
This admin-only action (currently accessible via the SysInfo page) generates a useful overview of the options stored in the [[ConfigurationOptions Wikka configuration file]]. Sensitive information (DB connection settings) is stripped from the output of the action for security reasons.
This admin-only action (currently accessible via the SysInfo page) generates a useful overview of the options stored in the [[ConfigurationOptions Wikka configuration file]]. Sensitive information (DB connection settings) is stripped from the output of the action for security reasons.
==Sample output==
{{image alt="wikkaconfig screenshot" title="Sample output for wikkaconfig action" url="images/wikkaconfig.png"}}
==Sample output==
{{image alt="wikkaconfig screenshot" title="Sample output for wikkaconfig action" url="images/wikkaconfig.png"}}