===== What's new in Wikka 1.3.5 ? ===== ''Released on 02Jan2014'' <<==See also== ~-**[[Installing135 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.3.5]]** ~-[[Changelog | All release changelogs]] <<::c:: {{latestfiles float="left" show="stable" stableversion="1.3.5" stablereleasedate="02Jan2014"}} ===Highlights=== Mostly bug fixes, with one new enhancement: ~- Added //config// directory to plugins, so that site-customized config settings won't be modified during upgrades. Also, MySQL has officially removed support for the **TYPE=** setting as of 5.1.7. This means that previous versions of WikkaWiki will fail to install on MySQL versions >= 5.1.7 without changing **TYPE=** instances to **ENGINE=**. This version is compatible with MySQL versions >= 5.1.7 up through 5.5 (which is what I test with). ===Installation notes=== Installation can be completed using either the [[Installing135 | upgrade]] method or by [[WikkaInstallation | installing a fresh package]]. ===Browse the source=== You can browse the source code of [[https://github.com/wikkawik/WikkaWiki/tree/1.3.5 | Wikka 1.3.5]] from the Github repository. ===Feedback=== Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for 1.3.5 in the [[https://github.com/wikkawik/WikkaWiki/issues | issues tracker]]. ===Acknowledgements=== ""DotMG, skrap, Secunia, u.o., fguillier, ogreface, GeorgePetsagourakis, mdaems"" ===Security fixes=== None ===New/improved functionality=== ""Issue:968    Menus"" ===Bugs/other issues=== ""Issue:1053    Wikka menulets"" ""Issue:1060    "Notice: Undefined variable: link" (Wakka.class.php, line 2360)"" ""Issue:1102    Page reversion possible via CSRF"" ""Issue:1109    Can't view DB admin page due to CSRFToken error"" ""Issue:1124    No link from page history to original page"" ""Issue:1141    UTF-8 charset should be served by Wikka"" ""Issue:1142    {{category}} action options not working"" ""Issue:1145    Remove 'page' directory from /plugins/handlers"" ""Issue:1146    Install fails with MySQL 5.5 at "Create page table?""" ""Issue:1149    Issues related to svn to git migration"" ""Issue:1151    wikka.config.php is not being populated correctly"" ""Issue:1153    Release 1.3.5 catch-all ticket"" ---- CategoryEN