What's new in Wikka 1.2 ?

Released on September 1, 2009

1.2 is a major release introducing new functionality, including support for modular themes, a redesigned default layout, menu templates, an advanced table markup and other enhancements.


Latest stable release (released Sept. 1, 2009):

what's new? :: release notes :: verifying files

globe User-contributed localized packages
plugin User-contributed plugins


New features

Table markup

A flexible markup to generate tables with various layouts (with full support for XHTML table accessibility options).
Table Markup

Theme support

1.2 adds support for 100%-modular themes to customize the look and feel of your wiki.

Menu templates

Navigation menus can now be configured via dedicated menu template files and simple actions called menulets.
Menu templates

New default layout

The default page layout has been fully redesigned to allow more flexibility.
New page layout

Installation notes

We strongly recommend users running previous versions of Wikka to upgrade or install a fresh package.

Browse the source

You can browse the source code of Wikka 1.2 (p1) from the SVN repository. Wikka 1.2 (p1) was built from r1480 (log)


Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestion for 1.2 in the tracker.

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