===== What's new in Wikka ? ===== ''Released on 20 March 2008'' >>===This is an archive page=== For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]]. ==See also== ~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes1164 | changelog]] ~-[[Installing1164 | Installation & upgrade notes for]] ~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes | All release changelogs]] ~-[[WikkaFeatures1164 | Full feature list]] >>**[[WikkaReleaseNotes1164 |]]** is an interim release focusing on **administration functionality** and **antispam tools**, and includes a number of new features, security enhancements and bug fixes. ===A. New administration modules=== ~- **[[UserAdministration | User administration module]]** (accessible via the ##""AdminUsers""## system page) to manage Wikka users. ~- **[[PageAdministration | Page administration module]]** (accessible via the ##""AdminPages""## system page) to manage pages and perform several maintenance operations on wiki pages (including mass reversions). --- {{image alt="AdminPages screenshot" title="Page administration module" url="images/features/pageadmin.png" link="PageAdministration"}} ===B. New antispam functionality=== ~- New config option to **[[ConfigurationOptions | disable new user registrations]]**. ~- New **[[RevertHandlerInfo | reversion handler]]** to allow rollback of page versions to previous versions. --- {{image alt="Mass Revert handler screenshot" title="Mass reversion handler" url="images/features/massrevert.png" link="UserAdministration"}} --- ~- Module for **mass user deletion** (via the UserAdministration panel). --- {{image alt="Mass User Deletion screenshot" title="Mass User Deletion screen" url="images/features/massuserdeletion.png" link="UserAdministration"}} --- ~- A new lightweight **[[UserRegistrationValidationFramework | user registration framework]]** to facilitate creation of plug-in modules for registration validation schemes. Default install includes the ##""URInviteCode""## module that requires new users to enter an invitation code. See [[UserRegistrationValidationFramework]] | for instructions on how to enable this and future UR modules. ===C. Security enhancements=== ~- System version information now hidden to all but admins. ~- All Wikka releases (zipfiles and tarballs) are now [[WikkaSecurity distributed with digital signatures and checksums]]. ~- More secure handling of [[AttachmentInfo | file attachments]]. ===D. New features and improved functionality=== ~- A faster, fully redesigned **editor toolbar** (**WikkaEdit**) with more Wikka-specific functionality and improved cross-browser compatibility. --- {{image alt="WikkaEdit screenshot" title="WikkaEdit: a new, faster and fuly redesigned editor toolbar" url="images/features/wikkaedit.png" link="WikkaEdit"}} --- ~- **Revision numbers** are now displayed in recentchanges, page comparison, revision lists and page history. --- {{image alt="Diff screenshot" title="Revision numbers in the diff handler" url="images/features/numberedrevisions.png"}} --- ~- **##[[DbInfoActionInfo | {{dbinfo}}]]##** A simple admin-only action to provide information about the [[DbInfoActionInfo | structure of the database and tables used in Wikka]]. --- {{image alt="Database information screenshot" title="Database information module" url="images/features/dbinfo.png" link="DbInfoActionInfo"}} --- ~- New **##[[WikkaConfigActionInfo | {{wikkaconfig}}]]##** action displaying the [[ConfigurationOptions | system settings]] for the current wiki (accessible via the ##""SysInfo""## page). --- {{image alt="Wikka configuration screenshot" title="Wikka configuration module" url="images/features/wikkaconfig.png" link="WikkaConfigActionInfo"}} --- ~- Improved **##[[HighScoresActionInfo | {{highscores}}]]##** action, displaying top contributors ranked by //pages owned//, //edits// or //comments//. --- {{image alt="HighScores screenshot" title="HighScores action" url="images/features/highscores.png" link="HighScoresActionInfo"}} --- ===More...=== Check the full [[WikkaReleaseNotes1164 | release notes]]. ====Feedback==== We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestions for in the [[http://tracker.wikkawiki.org | tracker]]. """" ---- CategoryEN