Revision history for WelcomeDocumenter

Revision [588]

Last edited on 2008-01-31 04:21:19 by YanB [removing]
=====Guidelines for documentation contributors=====

WikkaWiki welcomes efforts to improve its official [[WikkaDocumentation | documentation]].
This page contains all the necessary information for users willing to write documentation pages.

=== General documentation guidelines ===

To preserve the overall consistency of documentation pages, please respect the following guidelines when creating/editing a documentation page.

~-When creating a new documentation entry, [[WikkaDocumentation | check first]] that another page on the same topic does not already exist. Redundant documentation can be confusing.
~-Use plain, understandable English and avoid using a technical lexicon, unless you are writing developer documentation.
~-Documentation code for the end user should not contain code blocks.
~-Documentation pages for features/actions included in [[WikkaReleaseNotes | official releases]] should be linked from the [[WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation page]]
~-Each documentation page should be formatted following the template below:
~ ---
[[WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation]]
=====Title of the page =====
Here goes page content
~-You can directly generate well-formatted documentation pages by "cloning" the [[ | DocumentationTemplate]]
~-Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[WikkaReleaseNotes | official Wikka releases]]
~-When writing documentation pages, try to add links to keywords whenever the text allows it. For instance, when referring to the release notes you should add a link to WikkaReleaseNotes like ##""[[WikkaReleaseNotes | official releases]]""##.

=====Guidelines for documentation contributors=====

WikkaWiki welcomes efforts to improve its official [[WikkaDocumentation | documentation]].
This page contains all the necessary information for users willing to write documentation pages.

=== General documentation guidelines ===

To preserve the overall consistency of documentation pages, please respect the following guidelines when creating/editing a documentation page.

~-When creating a new documentation entry, [[WikkaDocumentation | check first]] that another page on the same topic does not already exist. Redundant documentation can be confusing.
~-Use plain, understandable English and avoid using a technical lexicon, unless you are writing developer documentation.
~-Documentation code for the end user should not contain code blocks.
~-Documentation pages for features/actions included in [[WikkaReleaseNotes | official releases]] should be linked from the [[WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation page]]
~-Each documentation page should be formatted following the template below:
~ ---
[[WikkaDocumentation | Wikka Documentation]]
=====Title of the page =====
Here goes page content
~-You can directly generate well-formatted documentation pages by "cloning" the [[ | DocumentationTemplate]]
~-Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[WikkaReleaseNotes | official Wikka releases]]
~-When writing documentation pages, try to add links to keywords whenever the text allows it. For instance, when referring to the release notes you should add a link to WikkaReleaseNotes like ##""[[WikkaReleaseNotes | official releases]]""##.


Revision [51]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-01-22 23:45:46 by DarTar [removing]
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