Revision [395]

This is an old revision of TableMarkup made by DarTar on 2007-02-06 18:39:49.



Wikka Table Markup Guide

As of 1.1.7, Wikka introduces a flexible markup for data tables. Any kind of tables allowed by XHTML can be created using this markup, from the most basic example (simple rows of cells) to complex tables with full accessibility elements.

1. Table basics: cells, rows, columns

The most basic element of a table is a cell. A table with a single cell can be created using || as delimiters, e.g.:



A cell must always be preceded and followed by cell delimiters.
Rows can be created by adding multiple cells separated with cell delimiters:

||Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3||

Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3

Columns can be created by adding rows on separate lines:

||Cell 1||
||Cell 2||
||Cell 3||

Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3

By now you should be able to create simple tables with multiple rows and columns.

||Cell 1||
||Cell 2||
||Cell 3||

Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3
Cell 4Cell 5Cell 6
Cell 7Cell 8Cell 9

2. Headings

As soon as you create slightly more complex data tables, you will need to specify column and row headings. Headings are special cells that specify what kind of data rows and columns contain. The most basic way of creating a heading is by using |=| as a delimiter.

The following is an example of a simple table with column headings:



Row headings are usually followed by normal cells, so they are terminated with the || delimiter if the next element in the row is a simple cell:



You should be able by now to create simple tables with row and column headings:

|=| |=|Apples|=|Pears|=|


We will describe later how to add accessibility parameters for row and column headings.

3. Captions

Usually tables are introduced with a caption that describes what the table contains. A caption element is introduced with a |?| delimiter and terminated with a normal delimiter ||.

|?|Fruit production in 2006||
|=| |=|Apples|=|Pears|=|

Fruit production in 2006

4. Spans

Spans are used to combine multiple cells or multiple headings vertically or horizontally. A cell spanning n columns is generated by introducing the cell content with a (x:n) parameter.
The following example, shows how to create a cell spanning two columns:

||(x:2)Cell spanning 2 columns||Cell 3||
||Cell 4||Cell 5||Cell 6||
||Cell 7||Cell 8||Cell 9||

Cell spanning 2 columnsCell 3
Cell 4Cell 5Cell 6
Cell 7Cell 8Cell 9

Spans can also be applied to rows. A cell spanning n rows is generated by introducing the cell content with a (y:n) parameter.
The following example shows how to create a cell spanning two rows

||(y:2)Cell spanning 2 rows||Cell 2||Cell 3||
||Cell 5||Cell 6||
||Cell 7||Cell 8||Cell 9||

Cell spanning 2 rowsCell 2Cell 3
Cell 5Cell 6
Cell 7Cell 8Cell 9

Column and row spans can be combined to created funky table layouts:



Spans are particularly useful to create subheadings:

|?|Fruit production in the last two years||
|=| |=|(x:2)Apples|=|(x:2)Pears|=|
|=| |=|2005|=|2006|=|2005|=|2006|=|

Fruit production in the last two years

5. Formatting text within tables

You can use any kind of basic Wikka markup to render text within tables.
The following example adds basic formatting to cell content:

|?|Using text formatting within tables||
||''Highlighted''||++Strikethrough++||(x:2)**//Bold italics//**||

Using text formatting within tables
HighlightedStrikethroughBold italics

6. Adding actions and images within tables

Simple, content-generating actions (including image actions) can be added within table cells and headings.

|?|Using actions within tables||
||This wiki contains {{countpages}} pages||
||Feed: {{image url="images/xml.png" alt="xml" title="xml feed"}}||
||{{color c="red" text="some colored text"}}||

Using actions within tables
This wiki contains 416 pages
Feed: xml
some colored text

All the available options to create links can be used within table cells and headings.

|?|Adding links within tables||
||Camelcase links: SandBox||
||Escaped camelcase links: ""SandBox"" escaped||
||Forced links: [[HomePage | main]]||
||Interwiki links: Wikipedia:Wikka||
||Forced interwiki links: [[Wikipedia:Wikka | Wikka article on Wikipedia]]||
||External links: ||
||Forced external links: [[ |]]||
||Image links: {{image url="images/icons/open.png" alt="book icon" title="Display an index of pages on this wiki" link="PageIndex"}}||

Adding links within tables
Camelcase links: SandBox
Escaped camelcase links: SandBox escaped
Forced links: main
Interwiki links: Wikipedia:Wikka
Forced interwiki links: Wikka article on Wikipedia
External links:
Forced external links:
Image links: book icon

8. Adding HTML within tables

You can also use embedded HTML in table cells:

|?|Embedding HTML within tables||
||Here's some superscript: a<sup>2+1</sup>||
||And here's some subscript too: a<sub>2k</sub>||
||I love acronyms: <acronym title="What You See Is What You Get">WYSIWYG</acronym>||

Embedding HTML within tables
Here's some superscript: a2+1
And here's some subscript too: a2k
I love acronyms: WYSIWYG

--------------------------TO BE CONTINUED----------------------
|!|(u:The Summary)||
|?|The Caption||
||John Smith||1||This||That||
||Jane Doe||2||That||This||

The Caption
John Smith1ThisThat
Jane Doe2ThatThis

Summary, caption and scope

|!|(u:The Summary)||
|?|The Caption||
|=|(o:row)Name||John Smith||Jane Doe||

The Caption
NameJohn SmithJane Doe

Summary, caption and scope

|!|(u:The number of employees and the foundation year of some imaginary companies.)||
|?|Table 1: Company data||
|=|(o:row)ACME Inc||1000||1947||
|=|(o:row)XYZ Corp||2000||1973||

Table 1: Company data
ACME Inc10001947
XYZ Corp20001973

|!|(u:A table with summary, caption, thead, tfoot and two tbody)||
|?|thead, tfoot, tbody, tbody||
||John Smith||New York||555-1234||
||Jane Smith||Loa Angeles||555-2345||
||John Doe||Unknown||Unknown||
||Jane Doe||Unknown||Unknown||

thead, tfoot, tbody, tbody
John SmithNew York555-1234
Jane SmithLoa Angeles555-2345
John DoeUnknownUnknown
Jane DoeUnknownUnknown

Wikka markup within cells

||##Mono##||[[HomePage | Forced]]|| {{wikkaversion}}|| **##Bold mono##** ||
||//Italics//||===Heading===||++Strike++|| {{image url="" alt="xml" title="xml feed"}}||
||SandBox escaped||embedded<sup>html</sup>||@@center@@||{{color c="red" text="testme"}}||

MonoForced n/a Bold mono


Strike xml
SandBox escapedembeddedhtml

Styling with CSS selectors, 1



Styling with CSS selectors, 2

|!|(i:Hello;u:What a gorgeous table!){float:left}||
|?|Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi!||
|=|(x:4){color:#000;font-size:150%;font-style:italic;font-family:Hoefler Text, Georgia;font-weight:normal;line-height:150%}Ephemere Quibus||
|=|(x:2)First things first|=|(x:2)Second things second||
||##Mono##||A [[WikiHome | forced link]] and an escaped CamelCase link|| {{wikkaversion}} (action generated content)|| **##Bold mono##** ||
||//Italics//||===Heading===||++Strike++|| {{image url="" alt="xml" title="xml feed"}}||
||%%echo "Even some code!"%%||embedded<sup>html</sup>||>>Hello>>||(i:moah){background:#000;text-align:center;color:white}testme||

Ohi, ohi, ohi, ohi!
Ephemere Quibus
First things firstSecond things second
MonoA forced link and an escaped CamelCase link n/a (action generated content) Bold mono


Strike xml
echo "Even some code!"

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