Revision history for SpeedInfo

Revision [1793]

Last edited on 2009-01-31 02:04:48 by YanB [Removed carriage return]

No Differences

Revision [1214]

Edited on 2008-11-01 23:23:06 by YanB [Removed HomePage link]

Revision [242]

Edited on 2006-11-12 13:24:02 by YanB [cat]
=====Speed and performance=====

Thanks to its [[LightweightInfo | light]] [[WikkaCore | core]], WikkaWiki shows impressive performances.
The time required to generate a page from the database is displayed in the footer of each page. For example, the current page takes around 20-30 milliseconds to be created.
Longer pages (especially pages containing code blocks and using [[SyntaxHighlighter | syntax highlighting]]) might require a slightly longer generation time.

=====Speed and performance=====

Thanks to its [[LightweightInfo | light]] [[WikkaCore | core]], WikkaWiki shows impressive performances.
The time required to generate a page from the database is displayed in the footer of each page.
For example, the current page takes around 20-30 milliseconds to be created.
Longer pages (especially pages containing code blocks and using [[SyntaxHighlighter | syntax highlighting]]) might require a slightly longer generation time.


Revision [43]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-12-27 14:26:52 by DarTar [cat]
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