Recentlycommented Action Documentation

This is the documentation page for the RecentlyCommented action.


Short description
Displays the last 50 commented pages in the wiki, ordered by date and time.

This action accepts no parameters.

However, specifying a "user=" GET parameter for the page containing the action will display recently commented pages only for the specified user.

Long description
In contrast to {{recentcomments}}, which shows the last comments, this action shows the 50 last pages which have been commented (or whatever number the user has configured in his/her settings).

Example: if the FormattingRules were commented four times, this action would show the page with the date/time and author of the last comment only.

The pages are ordered after date and time of the last comment on them. The name of the page, the author of the comment and a preview with 125 chars of the comment are shown.


see RecentlyCommented.


There are no comments on this page.
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