Wiki source for Menulets

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=====Menu Widgets (menulets)=====
>>==See also:==
~- [[WikkaMenus | Menu template files]]
~- [[SysInfoActionInfo | System information actions]]
~-[[UsingActions | Actions distributed with WikkaWiki]]
>>{{since version="1.2" align="left"}}::c::
As of [[WikkaReleaseNotes12 | 1.2]], WikkaWiki introduces a [[WikkaMenus | menu template]] system. Any valid markup can be used in menu template files, but the following widgets (or "menulets") are particularly useful to generate menus and navigation bars. Menulets can obviously be used as regular [[UsingActions | actions]] in the body of a wiki page as well.

Displays a link to [[CloneHandlerInfo | clone]] the current page (depending on user privileges).

Displays a link to [[PageDeletionInfo | delete]] the current page (depending on user privileges).

Displays a link to [[EditPageInfo | modify]] the current page (depending on user privileges). If the current user has now user privileges, a link to display the [[ShowCodeHandlerInfo | page source]] is displayed instead.

Displays a link the [[PageHistoryInfo | revision history]] of the current page.

Displays a link to the wiki homepage.

Displays a link to the page [[PageOwnership | owner]]'s profile (as well as links to change [[ACLInfo | ACL]], depending on user privileges).

Displays a link to a page displaying [[ReferrersInfo | external referrers]] for the current page. {{since display="inline" version="1.3"}}

Displays a link allowing admins to [[RevertHandlerInfo | revert]] the current page to the previous version.

Displays the date and time of the latest revision and a link to the list of recent revisions of the current page.

Displays a [[SearchHelp | search box]] that can be embedded in the navigation bar.

Display the current username (if signed in) or the hostname for anonymous visitors

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