=====Installing plugins===== >>==See also== ~-[[WikkaThemes | Installing themes]] ~-[[http://wikkawiki.org/CodeContributions | User-contributed plugins]] >>{{since version="" align="left"}} {{image alt="Plugin path screenshot" title="Plugin folder" url="images/features/plugin_path.png" class="right"}}The release of [[WhatsNew1166 |]] introduces a preliminary plugin architecture that allows Wikka users to override core functionality with custom actions, headers, formatters, and templates. The advantages of such a setup are numerous: ~- A component that "misbehaves" or does not perform to your expectations can simply be removed. ~- Future Wikka upgrades are guaranteed not to change or modify anything in the ##/plugins## folders. ~- Testing of a new action, handler, formatter, or template is greatly enhanced: There is no need to modify core functionality, and it's easy to revert back to the core if necessary. ===How to use the plugin folder=== To use the new plugin folders for your add-ons, you will have to create the ##/plugins## tree and add the corresponding paths in [[ConfigurationOptions | wikka.config.php]] file (automatically added in fresh installs since Components will be loaded following the path order specified in the config file (so for instance a custom action called ##/plugins/actions/contact.php## will override the default ##actions/contact.php##). You can use a comma (##,##) a colon (##:##) or a semicolon (##;##) as a path separator in the config file. For example: %%(php) 'wikka_formatter_path' => 'plugins/formatters,formatters', 'wikka_template_path' => 'plugins/templates,templates', 'handler_path' => 'plugins/handlers,handlers', 'action_path' => 'plugins/actions,actions' %% Version 2.0 will herald an even more robust plugin architecture (backwards-compatible with the one in this release) that will include "hooks" that can be called from a user's custom component, eliminating the need to modify code in the Wikka core. ===Plugins and ##mod_rewrite##=== If your wiki runs on an Apache server and is configured to use clean URLs via ModRewrite, you will need to disable redirection for files in the ##/plugins## tree. Just save the following file in the ##/plugins## folder: %%(text;plugins/.htaccess) # turn on rewrite engine RewriteEngine off %% ===What's next=== [[http://www.wikkacase.org | WikkaCase]] has been set up as a repository for Wikka plugins. While the use of ""WikkaCase"" is beyond the scope of this document, we will be updating the [[Wikka:WikkaCase | WikkaCase documentation]] as progress on the new architecture continues. Currently, SVN and bug tracker access is available for developers who want to start building plugin modules for Wikka. Please visit the [[Wikka:WikkaCaseDevHowTo | WikkaCase development]] page for details. ---- CategoryEN