===== Installation and upgrade notes for Wikka 1.4.2 ===== These are instructions you should follow if you wish to upgrade an existing wiki running on Wikka 1.2 or earlier to 1.4.2. If you are installing Wikka for the first time, please refer to [[WikkaInstallation | this page]] instead. ""

Important notes

New password hashing; deprecation of MD5 hashes
BACKUP YOUR DATABASE! This version marks the transition from insecure MD5 password hashes to the (much more) secure PHP password_hash. MD5 hashes are now deprecated, and will go away within the next few releases. For this release, they will exist side-by-side. Please refer to ""WhatsNew142"" for instructions on how to transition your users to the new password hashes.

Old-style forced links now largely nonfunctional
Forced links using a space separator ([[HomePage | My home page]]) have been deprecated since 1.3.1. They are now largely nonfunctional as of this version. See the upgrade instructions below for more details.

This release has been tested with MySQL 5.7.21 and PHP 7.2.4. Minimum requirements are MySQL 5.5 (earlier versions may work but are unsupported) and PHP 7.0. Also note that MySQL versions 5.7.3 through 5.7.7 will generate installation errors due to an erroneously-deprecated feature on MySQL's part. Please avoid using these versions (this release was tested with 5.7.21).

Upgrading from 1.3.7 to 1.4.2
There is still a persistent issue involving MySQL and invalid default date strings. If you get a MySQL error when upgrading, please see this issue for instructions on how to resolve the problem.

Note that 1.4.2 requires PHP 7.0! You will need to have PHP 7.0 running prior to accessing the upgraded site to initiate the upgrade.

Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.7
Some CSS changes have been made to the themes, so as always, please make a backup of your default, light, and/or kubric themes if you have customized them.

Also, the 1.3.6 installer now backs up the standard installed files in config/, as these have changed significantly. If you have modified your menus, you will have to manually merge your changes into the new installed config/ files. Upgrading from 1.1.x to 1.3.7
As of 1.2, WikkaWiki incorporates new support for modularized themes. A new file hierarchy has been introduced, and the old css/ directory is going away. It is imperative that you make a backup of your css/ and templates/ directory BEFORE attempting to upgrade, if you have customized your site theme! Failure to do so will most likely result in a loss of part or all of your theme changes. It's always good practice to back up both your Wikka install directory and your database prior to any upgrades.

Since WikkaWiki has supported a plugins/ directory that is guaranteed not to be modified by the installer/updater. While it's important to backup any customized themes or actions, you should really be putting these into the plugins/ directory.

"" >>==See also:== ~-[[WhatsNew142 | What's new in 1.4.2]] ~-[[Changelog | Changelog for 1.4.2]] ~- [[InstallingPlugins | How to use the plugins folder]] >>Users running previous versions of Wikka are recommended to **[[UpgradeNotes | upgrade]]** or **[[WikkaInstallation | install a fresh package]]**. [[UpgradeNotes | Upgrading]] via the web-based wizard takes only a few minutes. ====Upgrading from 1.3.5 or earlier==== Forced links using a space separator (##""[[HomePage | My home page]]""##) have been deprecated since 1.3.1. They are now largely nonfunctional as of this version. You will need to modify your forced links and use the ##|## symbol as the separator (##""[[HomePage | | My home page]]""##). You can either do this manually, or use a script that can be found in the ##scripts/## directory. If you use the script, it will make a backup of your current database, but it's always a good idea to back up your database whenever you make any system changes. It is not currently integrated in the installer, so you will need command-line access to perform the link migration. Navigate to your top-level wikka directory and invoke: %% php scripts/migrateDeprecatedLinks.php %% (Thanks to klenwell for implementing this!) ====Upgrading from 1.2 or earlier==== To upgrade from a previous 1.2 or earlier install, simply overwrite all existing files from the installation with a fresh [[WhatsNew12 | 1.2 download]]. The upgrader will be invoked so you can verify existing DB and/or config settings. **Please be sure to read the important upgrade notice at the top of this page before proceeding.** ====Upgrading from or earlier==== Significant changes were made in 1.2, so you're advised to scan through the [[Installing12 | 1.2 installation notes]] prior to upgrading. **Please be sure to read the important upgrade notice at the top of this page before proceeding.** ====Feedback==== We have moved our repository and issues tracker to github. Links to the previous SVN repository and tracker will at some point fail to resolve. Feedback on potential issues related to upgrading from previous versions is always welcome. Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestions in the [[https://github.com/wikkawik/WikkaWiki/issues | issues tracker]]. ---- CategoryEN