===== Installation and upgrade notes for Wikka ===== Users running previous versions of Wikka are strongly recommended to **[[UpgradeNotes | upgrade]]** or **[[WikkaInstallation | install a fresh package]]**. [[UpgradeNotes | Upgrading]] via the web-based wizard takes only a few minutes. <<===This is an archive page=== For the **{{color c="red" text="latest release"}}** news please refer to [[WhatsNew | this page]]. ==See also:== ~-[[WhatsNew1164 | What's new in]] ~-[[WikkaReleaseNotes1164 | Changelog for]] <<::c::===1. Layout changes from the previous release=== ~- The **header** and **footer** files can now be found in the ##/templates## folder. If you made any modifications to the original files (in the ##/actions## folder) or created custom files with a different name, you will need to apply these changes to the new files after upgrading. Please note that ##header_action## and ##footer_action## in the [[ConfigurationOptions | config file]] have been obsoleted by version so it is mandatory to call header and footer files ##header.php## and ##footer.php## respectively. ~-If your wiki uses a **custom stylesheet**, make sure you check out the [[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/changeset?new=tags%2F1.1.6.4%2Fcss%2Fwikka.css%401018&old=tags%2F1.1.6.3%2Fcss%2Fwikka.css%40442 | differences between and]] so that your stylesheet includes all the new selectors and classes required by ([[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/changeset?format=diff&new=1018&old=442&new_path=tags%2F1.1.6.4%2Fcss%2Fwikka.css&old_path=tags%2F1.1.6.3%2Fcss%2Fwikka.css | unified diff]]) ===2. Note for users=== ~- To upgrade from to you just need to [[UpgradeNotes | overwrite the files]] in your Wikka folder. You don't need to run the upgrade wizard. ===3. Note for beta users === ~- There is one database change that was made on 02 Dec 07 in the branch. If you are running with a beta version of prior to this date, and upgrade to the latest release, you will see an error similar to this (your ##sessionid##, ##userid##, and ##dbname## will be different) when you bring up your new installation: --- --- %% Query failed: SELECT * FROM wikka_sessions WHERE sessionid='c4199a32c0c076a151b0e0cdc44a6045' AND userid='someuser' (Table 'mydb.wikka_sessions' doesn't exist) %% --- To resolve, you will need to manually create the wikka_sessions table. Start up your mysql client (or use an admin utility such as phpMyAdmin) to execute the following SQL: --- --- %% create table wikka_sessions (sessionid char(32) not null, userid varchar(75) not null, primary key (sessionid, userid), session_start datetime not null); %% --- //Thanks to Ed Jason on the [[Wikka:WikkaMailingLists | wikka-community]] list for pointing this out// ====Browse the source==== You can browse the source code of [[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/browser/tags/ | Wikka]] from the ""SVN"" repository. **Wikka** was built from [[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/browser/tags/ | r1018]] ([[http://wush.net/trac/wikka/log/tags/ | log]]) """" ====Feedback==== We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Please report any bug, issue or feature suggestions for in the [[http://tracker.wikkawiki.org | tracker]]. """" ---- CategoryEN