Revision [1913]

This is an old revision of HomePage made by DarTar on 2009-02-15 01:44:59.


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The Wikka Docs

This website hosts the official documentation of WikkaWiki. Contributions for missing entries and discussion are welcome and should follow these guidelines.


The end-use documentation for WikkaWiki is licensed under the Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike License . Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike License

What's new in Wikka

  • Latest stable release: (2009-02-14)

Documentation shortcuts

The concept

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Wikka Vision

The Wikka way to content management


General documentation for end users


Documentation for experienced users and content administrators


Documentation for Wikka administrators


Developer documentation on the inner working and architecture of Wikka.
Please bear in mind that pages on this server contain mainly archival material for documentation purposes. If you wish to contribute to the development of Wikka, we suggest you check the contributor guidelines on the main server and the Wikka Tracker

The files of the Wikka distribution (also available as a MindMap)
The structure of the MySQL tables of Wikka
History of the main modifications of this engine
Outlines the structure of wikka.php, the core of Wikka, which contains all the functions
Explains how actions function and how to build new actions. Actions are used to add automatic content to wikipages
Explains how the formatter works and how to build formatters. The formatter is in charge of converting wiki syntax into HTML output
Explains how handlers function and how to build new handlers. Handlers perform a number of operations on a wiki page as a whole, e.g. deleting, creating, editing a page.
Describes CSS classes used by Wikka and how to customize them.
Describes what third-party software is bundled with Wikka and where to find more information.

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